TO ALL THE MATHS I NEVER UNDERSTOOD AND INSTEAD ASSIGNED THE ROLE OF POETRY the joint title of a series of works, consisting of an outdoor billboard and 15 posters in the station hall at Sydhavn train station.

With their built-in statement, the works examine how human logic tends to steer its own paths when trying to comprehend something outside of its regular frame of understanding.   

In the series a number of line drawings come together in a shared aesthetic, recognisable from school books, science articles and PowerPoint presentations. A visual language used when having to explain concepts seemingly invisible to the naked eye. Continuum and quantum mechanics, cohesive attraction, tensions of surface and mass, theory of relativity, spacetime, synthesis, osmosis and other notions from the world of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.   

Sydhavn Station is an area of transit. Here the travelling body moves from A to B to C (both on its journey, but also over time). Similarly, the eye continuously moves around in its attempt to decode the internal logic of the line drawings - with their apparent arbitrary and contradictory elements - almost appearing like a rebus or a mischievous riddle for the brain to solve.

at Sydhavn Station.

All photos by Brian Kure.
